Cannabis flowers production

according to medical cannabis cultivation standards



Our goal is to elevate the cultivation process to a highly professional activity, which is based on contemporary knowledge not only from practice but also from the field of science. Our approach reflects the perception of the cannabis flower as a raw material for the production of specialized supplements and medicines that cannot be produced in conditions that simply do not correspond to it.

Thanks to the combining of knowledge and the complexity of the approach, we produce cannabis flowers with a high degree of standardized parameters in premium quality.

Cultivation equipment

Plant cultivation takes place in a purely hydroponic system using inert materials, in fully controlled indoor conditions.

The quality of processes, their automation, material flow control in conjunction with professional cultivation and technological know-how make our cultivation equipment above standard in this field.

All production is gained in conditions that meet the standards of medical cannabis.

Science and research

The whole cultivation process is constantly evaluated and corrected in cooperation with the top academic sphere in the Czech Republic, which deals with the indoor cultivation of medicinal cannabis.

In addition to legal analysis, we are able to provide extended screening for up to 17 cannabinoids. Furthermore, we are able to provide analysis of terpenes, flavonoids, or fungal residues, along with microbiological analysis.

 The whole process methodically relates to previous work in the research team dealing with the cultivation of medical cannabis at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague since 2017.


A new standard in cannabis cultivation

We have built a grow facility that will be considered a new standard in terms of quality, control and automation of the processes together with expert know-how in plant cultivation and technologies. By combining professional knowledge and comprehensive approach, we aim to produce premium quality cannabis flowers with a high degree of standardized parameters. Also, we put out a lot of stress on cleanliness of both the cultivation premises and the final product.

This approach is the key to uniformity and repeatability of individual harvests.


The founders of SensiQure s.r.o. are Jiří Velechovský and Tomáš Mikula.

Jiří set out to explore the topic of cannabis cultivation (initially focusing on hemp) already 10 years ago, when he successfully defended both of his graduate theses dedicated to this subject. When deciding what should be the next focus for deepening the knowledge of the topic, the choice was quite obvious: Medicinal cannabis has just become known to the public, doctors and patients alike, and there was a desperate lack of scientific guidelines on how to obtain this herbal material that was meant to be regarded as a medicine. Therefore, four years ago, Jiří began his

scientific research at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, which is about to end with a doctoral degree in medicinal cannabis cultivation. The main emphasis is on how the nutrition and growing conditions affect biosynthesis and cannabinoid content. In order to obtain the license for the cultivation of medicinal cannabis, a unique growing laboratory was established at the university – Jiří was in charge of its design and implementation. Throughout his tenure, Jiří and his research team have been experimenting and deepening the knowledge in the field. In addition to SensiQure, Jiří is currently publishing scientific data in expert journals – it is a last step to complete his education and thus close one chapter of his professional life.

Already during his engineering studies at CTU FEE, Tomáš joined a startup that developed, manufactured and sold 3D printers worldwide. He worked his way up to the company’s top management, was a production director for 4 years and was directly involved in the strategic management and direction of the company. The world of business and technology has completely engulfed him. With the gained experience and capital, he began to focus on topics related to urbanization and environmental issues of renewable resources. In the search for a suitable project, he came to the conclusion that urban farming, i.e. indoor production, is something that will play an important role in the future in terms of sustainable production. However, the idea of indoor production ran into profitability limits for various agricultural crops.

The turning point came when Jiří and Tomáš crossed their paths in 2020 thanks to a shared passion for freediving. After several meetings a business plan followed that combines experience, education, expertise, and know-how in fairly specific segments, the combination of which will achieve a new standard in the industry.



Consistent data collection
Expert evaluation

The entire production process takes place in fully controlled indoor conditions using the latest technologies. Thanks to the collection of data along the entire cultivation process, we are able to track and eliminate risky side effects in time, and thus achieve the desired quality and purity of the flower produced.

By combining modern technologies and precisely set processes, we have not only achieved a superior quality and purity in terms of the product safety, but also minimized the production costs, the consumption of raw materials and water – and thus the environmental impact. For us a lean production represents a process in which a journey of every single product is thoroughly planned and controlled: from a uniform clone through cultivation, harvesting and drying to a premium flower.

Plant cultivation takes place in a purely hydroponic system using inert materials, thanks to which there is no unpredictable influence on such a complex process as growing plants under controlled conditions. The cultivation processes are based on current knowledge in the field of science and practice, and their application is constantly evaluated and adjusted in cooperation with the top expert sphere of the Czech Republic that deals with the indoor cultivation of medicinal cannabis.


Medical cannabis
CBD flowers

Our primary product is a cannabis flower, which we offer to our business partners. Such a flower is suitable, for example, for further processing and production of whole plant extracts that reflect the natural composition of the active substances contained in the plant.

The first harvest is scheduled for May 2022.

We have achieved premium production quality based on above-standard production facilities and processes while maintaining a competitive price on the market. In the first phase, the CBD product is a flower that is produced under conditions that meet the standards of medical cannabis. After obtaining a license for the medicinal cannabis cultivation, the portfolio will be extended by medicinal cannabis flowers. All production will be subject to standard legal analyses, but also – if necessary – to an extended screening of the flowers for the content of up to 17 cannabinoids (including their acid forms), as well as analysis of terpenes, flavonoids and fungal residues, together with microbiological analysis.

květ CBD


Your decision,
Our precision!

We fulfil our vision not only via production of a premium cannabis flower, but also by pushing boundaries of the entire process of hydroponic cultivation in controlled conditions and with all its complexity.

Based on the Cooperation Agreement with the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, we develop and deepen our knowledge not only in the field of indoor cannabis cultivation, but also in the use of modern autonomous technologies that will make the process more accurate, efficient and, last but not least, will optimize its costs.

We have created methodological manuals for individual cultivars of cannabis plants in order to qualify and quantify the presence of cannabinoids, terpenes, and at the same time eliminate contamination with undesirable substances, fungi and pests. This way we manage to achieve a very high quality and uniformity of harvest.


Last but not least, we connect with experts across the fields that are very closely related to the use of therapeutic potential of cannabis – whether in terms of its cultivation, processing, distribution or prescription to patients in the required quality.

Synthetically produced cannabinoids do not work well in practice. In contrast, natural ones influence the body synergistically. This means that their unique combination in the plant contributes to the full healing effect. This is best explained via the entourage effect, where the sum of individual biologically active and inactive substances from cannabis multiplies and acts on more levels at the same time than would be the case for isolates individually. “Professional research and practice show that the use of medical cannabis or cannabis products opens up further treatment options. Among other things, it alleviates the side effects of conventional

pěstování canabis


SensiQure: A Czech scientist and a technologist have joined forces to set a new standard in cannabis cultivation

Ing. Jiří Velechovský, who has been researching medical cannabis for 4 years (primarily the influence of nutrition and growing factors on cannabinoid biosynthesis) and Tomáš Mikula…

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hydroponické farmy
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What happens when a technologist Tomáš Mikula, with experience in the development of 3D printers and indoor hydroponic farms, joins a scientist Jiří Velechovský, who studies medical cannabis in the area of the influence of nutrition and growing factors on cannabinoid biosynthesis?

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The overview of existing knowledge on medical cannabis plants growing

The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes dates back well before the era of modern medicine, but in recent years research into the use of medical cannabis in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences has grown significantly. 

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